Biomedical Engineering

The Biomedical Engineering Certificate was created with the effort of the Professors Homero Nogueira Guimarães (DELE/UFMG), Luís Antônio Aguirre (DELT/UFMG), Murilo Eugênio Duarte Gomes (DELT/UFMG), Eduardo Mazoni Mendes (DELT/UFMG), Carlos Julio Tierra Criollo (DELE/UFMG).

The Biomedical Engineering Reserach Group was founded and registered in the National Research Council (CNPq) in 2008 by Professor Carlos Julio Tierra Criollo.

Currently, Prof. Danilo Melges is the tutor of Biomedical Engineering Certificate. More information about the certificate will be availabe soon.

D.B. Melges

Prof. Associado II
Depto. Eng. Elétrico (DEE)