SEMINÁRIOS DO PPGEE - 2o. Semestre de 2010

Moderador: Prof. Reinaldo Martinez Palhares

- 09 de Agosto de 2010 - 14h50 - LOCAL: Sala de Seminários 1010 (Ligação entre os Blocos 1 e 3)  

Prof. Reinaldo Martinez Palhares  

Coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - UFMG


- 16 de Agosto de 2010 - 14h50 - LOCAL: Sala de Seminários 1010 (Ligação entre os Blocos 1 e 3)    

Doutorando do PPGEE - Ramon Dornelas Soares    


TEMA:   Busca de Informações Científicas de Qualidade é a "alma do nosso negócio" - Um passeio orientado pelo PORTAL  Periódicos da CAPES

Material da apresentação.

- 19  de Agosto de 2010 - 14h00 - LOCAL: Sala de Seminários 1010 (Ligação entre os Blocos 1 e 3)

Prof. Norman Vargas

          Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería - Nicarágua
          Facultad de Electrotecnia y Computación


           TEMA:  Un modelo unificado del alineamiento estratégico: un estudio en las universidades publicas de Nicaragua

Resumo:   El alineamiento estratégico de los negocios y las tecnologías de la información (AENTI) ha sido vinculado a la mejora en el desempeño de las instituciones privadas y publicas. Un sin número de intentos se han hecho para definir el AENTI y se han realizados varias modelos en el campo académico y practico para definir el AENTI. En esta presentación se provee un modelo del AENTI basado en la literatura a fin al área de estudio y una aplicación del modelo en las universidades publicas de Nicaragua.

- 23 de Agosto de 2010 - 14h50 - LOCAL: Sala de Seminários 1010 (Ligação entre os Blocos 1 e 3)  

Dr. Daniel Edward Callan 

Senior Researcher - ATR - Neural Information Analysis Laboratories - Kyoto,  JAPAN.

Link  -  SHORT CV 

TEMA:   Multimodal Brain Imaging of Complex Perceptual Motor Skills

Abstract:  Flight simulation is used as a complex ‘real-word’ task to investigate neural processes involved with acquisition and performance of various perceptual motor skills. The primary objectives of this research program are as follows: Multiple brain imaging methods (fMRI, MEG, EEG, NIRs) are combined using a variational Bayesian technique to improve spatial-temporal resolution of the underlying neural activity. A motion platform and full field visual projection are used to investigate vestibular influences on perceptual motor processing while simultaneously recording EEG and NIRs. Application of a brain machine interface is implemented not only to control various aspects of the flight simulator but also to improve learning and performance by scheduling tasks during periods identified as ‘optimal brain ready’ states. TMS is used to enhance and/or degrade performance depending on the site and type of stimulation.
    In this talk I will discuss the overall setup of the laboratory for investigating complex perceptual motor skills utilizing multiple brain imaging techniques. I will additionally discuss the results of two fMRI experiments using a simulated Red Bull Air Race task in which subjects are required to fly through a series of cones at a specific height and orientation. The first study investigated the difference in visual perspective in flying the plane in 1st person versus 3rd person chase view. Differential activity in the right premotor cortex for remote 3rd person over egocentric 1st person perspective is consistent with the hypothesis that neural processes involved in body centered sensory guided motor control may be involved in representational transformation between the coordinate reference of the airplane and those of the body of the subject. The second fMRI study investigates neural processes involved with planning and producing complex versus simple perceptual-motor tasks. The complex task consisted of using the flight simulator to fly an airplane through cones to the left or right at a specific height and orientation as instructed. The simple task consisted of moving a joystick to the left or right as instructed. Brain activity distinguishing between left and right movement was found for the flying task but not for the simple task. Performance related activity on the flying task was found in multiple brain areas involved with global mapping.

- 30 de Agosto de 2010 - 14h50 - LOCAL: Sala de Seminários T005 (Ligação entre os Blocos 1 e 3 - ANDAR TÉRREO)  

Prof. Braz de Jesus Cardoso Filho 

          Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
          Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica

           CV LATTES   

           TEMA:   Empreendedorismo tecnológico: mitos, desafios e oportunidades

- 13 de Setembro de 2010 - 13h00 - LOCAL: Sala de Seminários 1010 (Ligação entre os Blocos 1 e 3) 

Prof. Rafael Laboissière 

Researcher at  INSERM - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale - Paris, France.


TEMA:  Agarre-me se puder (mas você me agarrou quando não pôde): Controle automático de perturbações reaferentes visuais no gesto de apontar

- 20 de Setembro de 2010 - 14h50 - LOCAL: : Sala de Seminários 1010 (Ligação entre os Blocos 1 e 3).

Prof. Bruno Otávio Soares Teixeira  - CV LATTES - Departamento de Eng. Eletrônica - UFMG

Prof. Fernando de Oliveira Souza - CV LATTES -   Departamento de Eng. Eletrônica - UFMG

Prof. Frederico Gadelha Guimarães - CV LATTES - Departamento de Eng. Elétrica - UFMG

Prof. Luciano Cunha de Araújo Pimenta - CV LATTES - Departamento de Eng. Eletrônica - UMFG

           TEMA:  Mesa Redonda - Experiências do  Estágio Sanduíche durante o Doutoramento

Resumo:  Os Profs. Bruno, Fernando, Frederico e Luciano tiveram a oportunidade, durante o doutoramento no PPG  Eng. Elétrica da  UFMG, de realizarem estágio doutoral sanduíche no exterior. Estes professores irão comentar as boas experiências/lembranças bem como os seus sabores/dissabores durante este percurso. Os Profs. Bruno Otávio, Fernando de Oliveira, Frederico Gadelha e Luciano Pimenta fizeram os seus estágios sanduíche, respectivamente em: University of Michigan - Ann Arbor;  University of California San Diego;  Mcgill University e University of Pennsylvania.

- 27 de Setembro de 2010 - 14h50 - LOCAL: Sala de Seminários 1010 (Ligação entre os Blocos 1 e 3).

Prof. Luis Antônio Aguirre - Editor do Periódico da SBA - Controle & Automação

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Departamento de Engenharia Eletrônica


TEMA -  Publicação: o Ramo de Realimentação no Desenvolvimento da Ciência


- 18 de Outubro de 2010 - 14h50 - LOCAL: Sala de Seminários 1010 (Ligação entre os Blocos 1 e 3).

Prof. Luis Antônio Aguirre - Editor do Periódico da SBA - Controle & Automação

          Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
          Departamento de Engenharia Eletrônica

           CV LATTES

          TEMA -  Um bate papo sobre questões éticas envolvidas no processo de publicação

- 27 de Outubro de 2010 - 14h00-15h00 - LOCAL: Sala de Seminários 1012 (Ligação entre os Blocos 1 e 3).

Doutor Thibaut Lust - Universidade Federal Fluminense in Niteroi 

Dr. Thibaut Lust holds a PhD in Engineering Science (2009) from the University of Mons (Belgium) and a Master in Engineering Science (Computer and Management Sciences) (2005) from the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons (Belgium). He is Aspirant FNRS (Research fellowship from the Belgian National Fund of Scientific Research) in the Laboratory of Mathematics and Operations Research of the University of Mons. He currently conducts post-doctoral research at the Universidade Federal Fluminense in Niteroi. His research interests include multiobjective optimization, multiobjective combinatorial problems (traveling salesman, knapsack, set covering), metaheuristics, fair optimization and radiotherapy optimization.

          TEMA -  Multiobjective combinatorial optimization: methods and applications

Abstract:  In this talk, we will present methods to solve multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems. In multiobjective optimization, a feasible solution is evaluated with a set of objective functions. This formulation better suits to real problems that often involve multiple conflicting objectives.  When the objectives are conflicting, a solution simultaneously minimizing each objective does not exist, but a set of solutions called Pareto optimal solutions. A Pareto optimal solution is a solution for which it is impossible to find another solution that dominates it, that is at least as good on all objectives and better for at least one objective. The main difficulties related to the generation of all Pareto optimal solutions of a multiobjective combinatorial optimization problem will be presented: NP-Hardness even when the single-objective counterpart is in P, an exponential number of Pareto optimal solutions, and the presence of non-supported Pareto optimal solutions, that cannot be obtained by solving weighted single-objective problems. Therefore, this is mainly metaheuristics based methods that have been developed in order to solve multiobjective problems. We will develop some of them and show how they have been adapted to solve the multiobjective version of classic combinatorial problems (traveling salesman, knapsack, set covering). We will also present an application that occurs in the radiotherapy treatment of cancer patients. In this problem, a non-negative integer matrix has to be decomposed into a linear combination of particular binary matrices, where different objectives have to be taken into account to evaluate the quality of a decomposition.

By Reinaldo Martinez Palhares

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